About Us

At , we are building a platform that makes your life easier by automating certain painful and time-consuming procedures.

Our mission
Help people to be heard.

Online notification management platform
helps you to perform the digital transformation of your review, maximizing the use of new technologies.
Boost your presence:
  • As consumer, by emailing you directly to the company with which you have a dispute or disagreement.

    The consumer submits his opinion on the platform, anonymously or not, and the concerned company also responds to the platform. At the end of the process, the quality of the processing is evaluated by the consumer and the possibility to popularize (automatically or individually) his opinion. Its appreciation, combined with that of other consumers, makes it possible to establish a list and trends.

    Do not run behind companies: Reverse roles and save time by centralizing your requests:

    • Example
      • Service that not respect what you paid for
      • Goods purchased defective
      • Incorrect invoices
      • Contracts not respected
      • Contracts amended during the year without your approval
      • Exorbitant reminder fees (from the first recall)
      • Exorbitant health insurance costs
      • Opaque physician bills
      • Conflict with insurances not fulfilling their promises
      • Managing conflicts between companies when changing operators
      • To remain hours on the phone with a service-after sale which is, in addition, sometimes billed
      • Having to do absurd manipulations with an after-sales service (eg, formatting your computer for a network connection problem while 2 hours before everything worked correctly)
      • Find advertising in the mailbox when it is stipulated that you do not want it
      • Phone solicitation, without ever having communicated your phone or given your authorization
      • Insurance companies, telephone operators or other professionals who do not respect your privacy and resell your data
      • Do not find a speaker who speaks his / her language for information or to solve a problem
      • Do not find a contact person who understands your problem right away
      • Duty to juggle service in service or person in person in order to simply find rational explanations
      • ...

  • As an employee, by communicating your appreciation to us on the working environment, approval notes, salary reports, opinions and questions on interviews, advice on benefits, work environment, photos of offices and much more.

    The employee files his opinion on the platform, anonymously or not, and the company concerned can help enrich the answer also on the platform. His opinion, cumulated with those of the other employers, makes it possible to establish a list and trends.

    Make things happen by communicating constructively.

  • As an Employer, by contributing to the transparency of your company, by telling us your company's history, by highlighting your brand, by promoting your offers, by integrating your profiles with your social networks, by adding your charts to your networks managing your opinions, involving your employees, by accessing advanced analyzes and comparative studies of the competition.

    Take advantage of the collected information and give a better image to your brand by improving your ranking and trends.

    Do not wait, stand out by building a modern and amazing company culture.

Transparency and Quality
The aim of this platform is to promote the transparency and quality of companies. It allows people to make an informed choice of providers, as well as selecting companies that they like, wherever they are.
thus supports the companies that play the game of transparency by offering a quality customer service and a healthy working environment.
You too, consumer, employer or company, participate to the project and contribute to the game of transparency.

is above all a human project that strives to offer people and businesses more transparency.
We are convinced that by helping people wherever they are, by simplifying their lives and enabling them to find companies that defend their values, our project can only be beneficial.
Here are some of the core values in which we recognize ourselves:
  • Compassion
  • Courtesy
  • Fulfillment
  • Expertise
  • Fancy
  • Solidarity
  • Equity
  • Reliability
  • Respect

We took inspiration from ticket management tools and incidents.
It is clear that these tools have almost no connection with customer satisfaction. Yet, a satisfied customer is a loyal customer.
Better informed, customers have become more demanding and do not hesitate to communicate their opinion on companies. Through social networks, they can directly express their dissatisfaction or on the contrary make excellent publicity.
Ensuring the satisfaction of its customers has therefore become paramount to the image of a company.
We believe that reversing roles by facilitating the customers lives in their communication management, is to build a modern, astonishing and quality corporate culture.
If you want:
  • Talk, share or popularize reviews
  • Have a better view of your incidents
  • Help with your experience
  • To make you hear
  • Be supported by a community
  • Support and be part of a community that dares to be transparent
  • Participate in a better world

So, dare and support the game of transparency.

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