What is SCUSi?
SCUSi! is an online notification management platform.

What does SCUSi! mean?
SCUSi! is an Italian word to apology.

What does popularize mean?
Popularizing is the fact of being visible its opinion to a greater number of reader. By popularizing a notice, you strategically increase your support and your typing audience.

Why popularize with SCUSi?
Dynamize your reviews by mastering your digital presence.
Make life easier by centralizing your requests and building solid records accessible wherever you are.
Being part of a community that supports your cause greatly increases your chances of being heard.
Get advice as well as external views (from Team SCUSi! but also from the community if you wish) in order to popularize intelligently and constructively.

Should we pay to deposit, to popularize or to manage a review?
No. SCUSi! is free. You need only to create a free user account.

How do I sign up?
To register free. Click here.

Once registered, how does it work?
You post your review on the platform, anonymously or not. Once your review has been validated, SCUSi! takes care of you to contact the customer service of the concerned company.
The concerned company responds also on the platform and SCUSi! will notify you.
You will no longer run behind companies by reversing roles and you are saving time.

Can I write or popularize an anonymous review?
Yes. When you publish your review, you have the option to do so anonymously or not.

How long does the company have to respond to a review?
It's depending on the type of notice and its setting.

Does the SCUSi! team intervene in the process?
SCUSi! always try to be as neutral as possible. That is why we do not take direct part in the processing of reviews
However, companies know that we all remember the current advice and that we are likely to intervene at any time in its popularization.

How do I declare a problem or suggest an improvement?
We would love to hear from you on SCUSi!. If you notice a problem or if you have any assumptions about improvement, do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here.

How do I delete my account?
To delete your account click here.

Who is behind SCUSi?
At the origin of SCUSi! are enthusiasts people of new technologies, animated by the desire to facilitate the lives of people by automating certain painful and time consuming procedures.